Finishing a Full Semester

This week marks the end of a busy semester for AEPi Eta Sigma. In August, former Scribe and current Lieutenant Master Connor Harding represented our chapter at AEPi’s 102nd annual National Convention in Cleveland, Ohio. Soon after, we inducted 14 new brothers and welcomed two transfers to our brotherhood. In September, we raised hundreds of dollars for the Organization for Autism Research with an “AEPi-in-the-Face” day in Red Square. In October, we celebrated homecoming with returning alumni and raised over a thousand dollars for the American Cancer Society in our annual “Nice Jewish Boys of Georgetown” calendar sale. Several brothers also participated in the annual Marine Corps Marathon 10k in October to raise money for the Organization for Autism Research. In November, we mourned the loss of Rabbi Harold White, hosted an AEPi-led Shabbat service, and won Relay for Life’s fall fundraising challenge by raising $580 from 40 brothers in two weeks. And we closed the semester with a formal, bringing brothers together to celebrate a great semester. Thanks to our executive board, minor board, AEPi nationals, and all who contributed to our brotherhood over the last few months!